Gay male porn star jan devocick

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If we can not use you for one of our own DVD's, we can put your details on our files to allow other companies to offer you work. Pornography is a huge growth industry, and models are constantly needed. This site is dedicated to male model applications, as there are normally far more applications from females. We gat a huge number of applications for our porn work, from both males and females. this is stictly applied and you will be required to produce and original photgraphic ID on the day, which will be copied of photographed next to you. You must be over 18 to apply to be in a porn film. We are also a photographic company that can take your modelling career from the studio to DVD or beyond.

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We are an agency that specialises in providing placement work for porno models. As both an agency and photographic company, we can put you forward for straight, gay or whichever type of pornography you want to be in! So if you think you can model for the camera and can get close to other guys or girls in a studio setting, apply today to be a porn star.

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Do you want to be a male porn star? We specialise in providing porn work for men of all ages (18+).

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